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Welcome to MBA @ UniPD

Exam questions from my Master of Business Administration at the University of Padova.


At the beginning of my Master's program, I realized that I could retain more information by testing my knowledge with questions and exercises, rather than reading over and over the same chapters.

Since many professors did not provide proper training material for their exams, I asked some of my classmates to join me in creating a comprehensive question bank.

The result is a collection of exercises, open-ended and multiple-choice questions that helped us to get through our Master's with the highest GPA, while saving a lot of time to enjoy our student lifes.

It is now time to share this project with anyone interested in practicing more for their UniPD exams.

  • Courses: list of all the available courses, with syllabus, questions and answers
  • Student life: tips about enjoying life in Padova
  • Software stack: what I used to take lecture notes and build this website

Special thanks

I want to thank my classmates for joining me in this project, and former students for providing us with tips and exam questions.

A special thank goes to those professors that did their job with passion, inspired us to give our best, and prepared us to succeed.


Found a mistake or would like to contribute?

Feel free to open an Issue or Pull request on GitHub.


All material is available under the CC0 1.0 Universal license, feel free to share and re-elaborate the content as you wish.