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Advanced Financial Accounting



Prof. One

  • Decision usefulness
    • Valuation (relevance, fair value, balance sheet)
    • Contracting (reliability, cost, income statement)
    • Conservatism
      • Conditional
      • Unconditional
  • Documents of the annual report
  • Accrual accounting
  • Group reporting
  • Business combination
    • Control (Chapter 05)
    • Accounting methods (Chapter 07)
    • Steps (Chapter 10)
    • Different approach to estimate risk in the price paid
    • Purchase price allocation
    • Intragroup transactions and accounting policies
  • Special purpose entities (Chapter 06)
  • Deferred tax
  • Non controlling interests
    • Consolidation (Chapter 12)
  • Consolidated balance sheet
    • Theories (Chapter 11)
  • Firm valuation

Prof. Two

  • Impairment test
    • Rationale and principles
    • Targets and framework
    • Cash generating units (CGUs)
      • Identification and assets allocation
      • Comparison of values
        • Recoverable amount
        • Value in use
        • Terminal alue
      • Asset subsidization
      • Forecasting of future cash flows
      • Loss allocation
  • Investment in associates
    • Definitions
    • Equity method
    • Cost method




  • 2h
  • Calculator only, no Excel (LOL)
  • Multiple choice theory question
  • Multiple choice calculations
  • Numeric entry
  • Step by step explanation and results

Authors: Giacomo