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How to move

A brief but effective list of means of transport to reach your destination, including city buses and rental services.

If you decide to purchase a bike, also buy strong locks because unfortunately bike theft is commonplace.


Some advices:

  • Tickets can be bought from tobacco shops or on directly on some buses, but with an extra charge
  • Ticket inspectors are uncommon on small intra-city fares, but they give hefty fines to offenders
  • Remember to raise your hand or bus drivers may not stop!
  • The Busitalia Veneto app is useful to get a list of buses and times you can take to get from a location to another

City center - Train station

  • A
  • 3
  • 5
  • 61
  • 10
  • 121
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • Abano
  • Diretto Piazze Rismondo Carabinieri
  • Tencarella
  • Montegaldella
  • Tram1

City center - Overpass

  • 9
  • 11
  • 131
  • 15 Largo Debussy

Airport - Train station

  • 121
  • 6 Via Sorio1
  • Vo

Giotto mall - Train station

  • 10
  • 1012
  • others

Sharing economy

There are many companies offering shared vehicles for rent.
They also offer subscriptions, but here I will list only single use tariffs.
Check out for eventual university conventions for these partners.

Traditional bikes



  • Website:
  • Cost: 0.06€/m, minimum 20 minutes (1.20€)
  • Free 5€ credit with the following code: 80794500

Electric bikes


Electric scooters

Bit Mobility

  • Website:
  • Regular cost: 0.15€/m + 0.95€ unlock
  • UniPD convention cost: 0.12€/m, 2 free unlock/day


  • Website:
  • Regular cost: 0.15€/m + 1.00€ unlock
  • UniPD convention cost: 0.11€/m + 1.00€ unlock

Electric cars


  1. Continues to "Riviera Tito Livio" street 

  2. Arrives and departs from the bus station 

Authors: Giacomo, Andrea, Viola